Kolarz MILADY 0298.10Q.5 точечный светильник хром длина 10cm ширина 10cm высота 5cm 1 лампа gu10
Kolarz MILADY 0298.10Q.5 точечный светильник хром длина 10cm ширина 10cm высота 5cm 1 лампа gu10
Артикул: 0298.10Q.5
Хром, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10
Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Точечный светильник Milady от Kolarz - это изысканный предмет интерьера, который не только осветит вашу комнату, но и добавит к ней стильный акцент. Светильник изготовлен из высококачественных материалов, включая хромированный металл и прочное стекло. Он имеет компактный размер длиной 10 см, шириной 10 см и высотой 5 см, что позволяет установить его практически в любом месте. Светильник оснащен 1 лампой типа GU10, которая обеспечивает яркий и эффективный свет. Кроме того, благодаря его оригинальному дизайну, этот светильник легко сочетается с различными стилями интерьера, что делает его отличным выбором для любого дома или офиса.
Состаренная латунь, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Мягкий, извилистый и обволакивающий. Он вдохновлен линией ар-деко и имеет вневременную стилизацию. Формальная чистота линий позволяет Миледи адаптироваться к любой обстановке. База: черный ясень. Покрытие: ткань | кожа.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.