Kolarz Maria louise 3149.16K.5.KoT потолочный светильник хром ø40cm макс. высота 25cm 6 ламп e14
Kolarz Maria louise 3149.16K.5.KoT потолочный светильник хром ø40cm макс. высота 25cm 6 ламп e14
Артикул: 3149.16K.5.KoT
Хром, Ø40cm, Макс. высота 25cm, 6 ламп, E14
Классика хрустальной красоты: MARIA LOUISE. Чарующие, удивительные шедевры, вдохновленные имперским стилем 18-го века. Сочетание роскоши и света: Почувствуйте себя королевской персоной, когда эти восхитительные, искусно изготовленные вручную люстры появятся в вашей жизни.
Золото 24 карата, Ø66cm, Высота 46cm, Мин. высота 66cm, Макс. высота 111cm, 8 ламп, E14 Classical crystal beauty: MARIA LOUISE. Be enchanted by these marvellous masterpieces inspired by the imperial lighting style of the 18th century. Luxury meets light: You feel royal when these breathtaking, artfully handcrafted chandeliers light up your life. Lampshades are optionally available and are not included in the scope of delivery.
Золото 24 карата, Ширина 30cm, Высота 32cm, 2 лампы, E14 Classical crystal beauty: MARIA LOUISE. Be enchanted by these marvellous masterpieces inspired by the imperial lighting style of the 18th century. Luxury meets light: You feel royal when these breathtaking, artfully handcrafted chandeliers light up your life. Lampshades are optionally available and are not included in the scope of delivery.
Золото 24 карата, Ø76cm, Высота 56cm, Мин. высота 76cm, Макс. высота 121cm, 12 ламп, E14 Classical crystal beauty: MARIA LOUISE. Be enchanted by these marvellous masterpieces inspired by the imperial lighting style of the 18th century. Luxury meets light: You feel royal when these breathtaking, artfully handcrafted chandeliers light up your life. Lampshades are optionally available and are not included in the scope of delivery.
Золото 24 карата, Ширина 12cm, Высота 30cm, 1 лампа, E14 Classical crystal beauty: MARIA LOUISE. Be enchanted by these marvellous masterpieces inspired by the imperial lighting style of the 18th century. Luxury meets light: You feel royal when these breathtaking, artfully handcrafted chandeliers light up your life. Lampshades are optionally available and are not included in the scope of delivery.
Золото 24 карата, Ø66cm, Высота 46cm, Мин. высота 66cm, Макс. высота 111cm, 5 ламп, E14 Classical crystal beauty: MARIA LOUISE. Be enchanted by these marvellous masterpieces inspired by the imperial lighting style of the 18th century. Luxury meets light: You feel royal when these breathtaking, artfully handcrafted chandeliers light up your life. Lampshades are optionally available and are not included in the scope of delivery.
Золото 24 карата, Ø74cm, Высота 54cm, Мин. высота 74cm, Макс. высота 121cm, 18 ламп, E14 Classical crystal beauty: MARIA LOUISE. Be enchanted by these marvellous masterpieces inspired by the imperial lighting style of the 18th century. Luxury meets light: You feel royal when these breathtaking, artfully handcrafted chandeliers light up your life. Lampshades are optionally available and are not included in the scope of delivery.