7025 Mood Redon Barovier&Toso люстра – купить по цене 1 847 700 руб. в Москве

Время работы:

ПН-ЧТ 09:00 - 18:00
      ПТ 09:00 - 17:00

Каталог товаров

7025 Mood Redon Barovier&Toso люстра

Артикул: 7025
Количество ламп - 8; Высота - 1200;Ширина - 790;Глубина - 990;

An unusual chandelier, where the arms are arranged horizontally and do not gravitate around a centre – as is usually the case. Three versions, different in number of lights, borrowing the arms from equally famous Barovier&Toso chandelier: Redon. Franco Raggi, designer of the Mood chandeliers, reinterprets some historical models from Barovier&Toso collections giving them a new shape and using modern chromed candle, tubular bulbs and electrical wires decorating the chromed fitting with a “U” shape. The height is adjustable.

От 1 606 300 руб. за 1 шт
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8 (800) 775-04-72


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1 606 300 руб. за 1 шт
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Коллекция Mood Redon от итальянской компании Barovier and Toso - это изысканные люстры, созданные вручную мастерами-стеклодувами. Они вобрали в себя искусство и техническое мастерство, чтобы создать уникальные и элегантные светильники, которые могут стать настоящим украшением любого помещения. В коллекции присутствуют люстры различных размеров и форм, от классических до более современных, но везде присутствует фирменный стиль Barovier and Toso, объединяющий традиции стеклянного ремесла и современный дизайн. Mood Redon - это коллекция светильников, которая придает изысканность и шик любому интерьеру.
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Количество ламп - 2; Высота - 510;Ширина - 435;Глубина - 265; An unusual chandelier, where the arms are arranged horizontally and do not gravitate around a centre – as is usually the case. Three versions, different in number of lights, borrowing the arms from equally famous Barovier&Toso chandelier: Redon. Franco Raggi, designer of the Mood chandeliers, reinterprets some historical models from Barovier&Toso collections giving them a new shape and using modern chromed candle, tubular bulbs and electrical wires decorating the chromed fitting with a “U” shape. The height is adjustable.
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Количество ламп - 12; Высота - 1200;Ширина - 1210;Глубина - 990; An unusual chandelier, where the arms are arranged horizontally and do not gravitate around a centre – as is usually the case. Three versions, different in number of lights, borrowing the arms from equally famous Barovier&Toso chandelier: Redon. Franco Raggi, designer of the Mood chandeliers, reinterprets some historical models from Barovier&Toso collections giving them a new shape and using modern chromed candle, tubular bulbs and electrical wires decorating the chromed fitting with a “U” shape. The height is adjustable.
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Артикул: -
Количество ламп - 16; Высота - 1200;Ширина - 1620;Глубина - 1040; An unusual chandelier, where the arms are arranged horizontally and do not gravitate around a centre – as is usually the case. Three versions, different in number of lights, borrowing the arms from equally famous Barovier&Toso chandelier: Redon. Franco Raggi, designer of the Mood chandeliers, reinterprets some historical models from Barovier&Toso collections giving them a new shape and using modern chromed candle, tubular bulbs and electrical wires decorating the chromed fitting with a “U” shape. The height is adjustable.
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