BUTLER W D 927 DOWN-UP DIM накладной настенный светильник Delta Light – купить по цене 0 руб. в Москве

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BUTLER W D 927 DOWN-UP DIM накладной настенный светильник Delta Light

алюм. серый; черный

For one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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Уличный настенный светильник Delta Light Butler W - это качественный и надежный светильник, предназначенный для установки на фасаде зданий и сооружений. Он имеет прямоугольную форму и выполнен из высококачественного алюминия, что делает его долговечным и устойчивым к воздействию погодных условий.
Одной из главных особенностей светильника Delta Light Butler W является его светодиодная технология освещения, которая обеспечивает яркое и комфортное освещение с минимальным энергопотреблением. Благодаря этому, этот светильник является экологически чистым и экономичным решением для уличного освещения.
Конструкция светильника Delta Light Butler W обеспечивает прямое направление светового потока, что позволяет эффективно освещать зону перед фасадом здания или пролетом. Благодаря этому, этот светильник идеально подходит для освещения входных групп, фасадов зданий, а также для общего уличного освещения.
Светильник Delta Light Butler W доступен в нескольких вариантах исполнения, с различными световыми характеристиками и цветовыми оттенками свечения. Также его можно установить как вертикально, так и горизонтально, что позволяет использовать его для различных задач и сценариев освещения.
Класс I
Вес нетто
3.2 кг
at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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Артикул: -
алюм. серый; черный; алюминий-черныйFor one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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Артикул: -
алюм. серый; черный; алюминий-черныйFor one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
Не указана цена за 1 шт
Артикул: -
алюм. серый; черныйFor one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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Артикул: -
алюм. серый; черный; алюминий-черныйFor one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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Артикул: -
алюм. серый; черный; алюминий-черныйFor one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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Артикул: -
алюм. серый; черныйFor one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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Артикул: -
алюм. серый; черныйFor one of the new ranges launched at the upcoming Light+Building, we joined forces with renowned artist / designer Arik Levy. The result is BUTLER, a surprising collection of exterior and interior luminaires.Arik Levy is an artist, technician, photographer, designer, video artist... his skills are multi–disciplinary and his work can be seen in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.The Butler is the first design by Arik for Delta Light®.The fine line between the indoor territory and outdoors today is blurrier than ever. Furniture and indoor living elements are drifting outdoors in style and function. The experience, comfort and style of our living rooms is extended to our garden.The inspiration for this new collection was a coincidence of different elements, and a physical metaphor. On one hand it’s a re-interpretation of a well-known archetype, the most obvious classic lamp shade as we know it for many many years. The coincidental element came from Arik cycling through Paris years ago, passing by a big pile of folded paper, used to create the well-known plissé fashion classics. While its zig-zag shape recalls the past, it also creates a unique play of light. During the day the natural light enhances its form and creates shadow all around the shade... at night the light emitted casts a cozy and intimate light where ever the Butler is installed.
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