Мягкий, извилистый и обволакивающий. Он вдохновлен линией ар-деко и имеет вневременную стилизацию. Формальная чистота линий позволяет Миледи адаптироваться к любой обстановке.
База: черный ясень. Покрытие: ткань | кожа.
В компании «Тёплый свет» можно приобрести MILADY Мягкий стул Casamania & Horm подойдет к большому количеству стилей. Цена может быть меньше или больше в зависимости от выбора опций и дополнительных товаров. Если вы обратитесь к нашим операторам с любым вопросом по товару, они с радостью ответят на ваши вопросы. После укажите адрес доставки товара. Транспортировка товара полностью безопасна. Производитель товара: Casamania and Horm. Страна производитель: .
Мягкий стул Casamania and Horm Milady - это элегантное и удобное решение для вашего интерьера. Он отличается минималистичным дизайном, который легко впишется в любой стиль жилья. Стул Milady выполнен из качественных материалов, что обеспечивает его долговечность и надежность. Мягкие подушки на сиденье и спинке обеспечивают удобство и комфорт во время использования, а внешняя обивка из кожи или ткани позволяет выбрать наиболее подходящий вариант для вашего интерьера. Стул Casamania and Horm Milady будет отлично смотреться в гостиной, спальне или кабинете, и станет любимым местом для отдыха и релаксации.
Хром, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 65cm, Мин. высота 85cm, Макс. высота 130cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø40cm, Высота 11cm, 3 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Белый, Ø16cm, Высота 12cm, 1 лампа, G9 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Ø12cm, Мин. высота 7cm, Макс. высота 9cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Состаренная латунь, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Французское золото, Белый, Ø50cm, Высота 11cm, 4 лампы, E27 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Золото 24 карата, Ø10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.
Хром, Длина 10cm, Ширина 10cm, Высота 5cm, 1 лампа, GU10 Here comes MILADY, an atmospheric and majestic light, finished with 24 carat gold, French gold or chrome. Finest satinated glass surrounded by graceful ornaments. A timeless, handcrafted piece of art in a charming classic look, perfect as a direct and indirect lighting.