CNC 100 UP Lombardo, светильник – купить по цене 27 860 руб..75 в Москве

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CNC 100 UP Lombardo, светильник

Артикул: LL123010
Suitable for installation on floor and walls, also for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for drive-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Except for CNC 100 C, which does not require a recess box. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Anodised aluminium body and AISI316L steel retaining ring. Heat polycarbonate diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp.
Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
ЧПУ 100 л / ЧПУ 100 2L / ЧПУ 100 вверх
Защелкиваются открываются и закрыты без винтов.
LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Интегральный балласт 220-240V.
ЧПУ 100 C L / CNC 100 C 2L
Версия в постоянном токе 700 мА. Должно использоваться только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент.
LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт не включен.
CNC 100 C-UP
LED AC Direct.
LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). LED AC Direct.
От 26 730 руб. за 1 шт
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CNC100 UP LED 3K Grey High Tech RAL 9006 Артикул: LL1230123
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CNC100 UP LED 4K White RAL 9010 Артикул: LL123011N
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CNC100 UP LED 3K White RAL 9010 Артикул: LL1230113
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CNC100 UP LED 2.7K White RAL 9010 Артикул: LL1230112
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CNC100 UP LED 4K Stainless steel electropolished Артикул: LL123010N
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CNC100 UP LED 3K Stainless steel electropolished Артикул: LL1230103
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26 730 руб. за 1 шт
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Коллекция грунтовых светильников Cnc от итальянского бренда Lombardo - это современные и эффектные решения для создания акцентного освещения в интерьере. Светильники изготовлены из качественных материалов, таких как алюминий и стекло, что обеспечивает прочность и долговечность изделий.
Стильный дизайн светильников коллекции Cnc от Lombardo идеально подходит для современных интерьеров. Светильники имеют компактные размеры, поэтому их можно установить даже в небольших помещениях. Они могут использоваться как в качестве основного освещения, так и для создания дополнительной атмосферной подсветки.
Грунтовый светильник Lombardo Cnc имеет современный дизайн в виде минималистичной металлической конструкции, которая дополнена стеклянными элементами. Он создает эффектное освещение, которое придает интерьеру уникальный характер и неповторимый стиль.
Похожие товары:
Артикул: -
Suitable for ground and wall installation and for outdoor use. Installation directly to the ground or by means of recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and making driveways and pathways. Turned aluminium body and retaining ring. Transparent PMMA diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 0.5 m of H05RN-F power cable pre-wired and secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. Product supplied with water-stop device to protect it from water and humidity infiltration. Нет фотобиологического риска, Группа риска RG0 (EN62471). LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт 24 В блок питания не включен.
30 460 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on floor and walls, also for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for drive-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Except for CNC 100 C, which does not require a recess box. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Anodised aluminium body and AISI316L steel retaining ring. Heat polycarbonate diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471). ЧПУ 100 л / ЧПУ 100 2L / ЧПУ 100 вверхЗащелкиваются открываются и закрыты без винтов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Интегральный балласт 220-240V. ЧПУ 100 C L / CNC 100 C 2LВерсия в постоянном токе 700 мА. Должно использоваться только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт не включен. CNC 100 C-UPLED AC Direct. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). LED AC Direct.
32 400 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 28 510 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 19 760 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 23 000 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on floor and walls, also for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for drive-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Except for CNC 100 C, which does not require a recess box. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Anodised aluminium body and AISI316L steel retaining ring. Heat polycarbonate diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471). ЧПУ 100 л / ЧПУ 100 2L / ЧПУ 100 вверхЗащелкиваются открываются и закрыты без винтов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Интегральный балласт 220-240V. ЧПУ 100 C L / CNC 100 C 2LВерсия в постоянном токе 700 мА. Должно использоваться только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт не включен. CNC 100 C-UPLED AC Direct. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). LED AC Direct.
32 400 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for ground and wall installation and for outdoor use. Installation directly to the ground or by means of recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and making driveways and pathways. Turned aluminium body and retaining ring. Transparent PMMA diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 0.5 m of H05RN-F power cable pre-wired and secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. Product supplied with water-stop device to protect it from water and humidity infiltration. Нет фотобиологического риска, Группа риска RG0 (EN62471). LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт 24 В блок питания не включен.
32 240 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 16 040 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Ideal for recessed ground application, also for drive-over use. Идеально подходит для утопленного наземного применения, также для использования на прогулке. Установка с помощью полевой коробки поставляется отдельно. Продукт предназначен для светодиодных источников света для освещения акцента и маркировки подъездных дорожков и путей.Удерживающее кольцо из нержавеющей стали AISI 316L, корпус из анодированного алюминия EN-6061T6.Тепло из закаленного и шелкового стекла на экране. Силиконовые прокладки. 1,5 м Предварительно проводной тип кабеля H05RN-F, закрепленный с помощью никелированного латунной кабельной железы.AISI 316L Нержавеющая сталь гайки и болты.Вся проводка поставляется со специальной обшивкой, защищающей пятно от просачивания воды и сырости.Версия в постоянном натяжении 12 / 24V. Версия в постоянном током 700 мА: необходимо использовать только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
30 460 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for ground and wall installation and for outdoor use. Installation directly to the ground or by means of recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and making driveways and pathways. Turned aluminium body and retaining ring. Transparent PMMA diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 0.5 m of H05RN-F power cable pre-wired and secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. Product supplied with water-stop device to protect it from water and humidity infiltration. Нет фотобиологического риска, Группа риска RG0 (EN62471). LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт 24 В блок питания не включен.
30 460 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
14 900 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on floor and walls, also for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for drive-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Except for CNC 100 C, which does not require a recess box. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Anodised aluminium body and AISI316L steel retaining ring. Heat polycarbonate diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471). ЧПУ 100 л / ЧПУ 100 2L / ЧПУ 100 вверхЗащелкиваются открываются и закрыты без винтов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Интегральный балласт 220-240V. ЧПУ 100 C L / CNC 100 C 2LВерсия в постоянном токе 700 мА. Должно использоваться только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт не включен. CNC 100 C-UPLED AC Direct. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). LED AC Direct.
26 080 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 23 000 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 16 040 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
17 500 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for ground and wall installation and for outdoor use. Installation directly to the ground or by means of recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and making driveways and pathways. Turned aluminium body and retaining ring. Transparent PMMA diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 0.5 m of H05RN-F power cable pre-wired and secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. Product supplied with water-stop device to protect it from water and humidity infiltration. Нет фотобиологического риска, Группа риска RG0 (EN62471). LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт 24 В блок питания не включен.
30 460 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
18 140 руб. за 1 шт
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Артикул: -
Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 14 260 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 16 040 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
22 360 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
23 000 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 19 760 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
30 940 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for ground and wall installation and for outdoor use. Installation directly to the ground or by means of recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and making driveways and pathways. Turned aluminium body and retaining ring. Transparent PMMA diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 0.5 m of H05RN-F power cable pre-wired and secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. Product supplied with water-stop device to protect it from water and humidity infiltration. Нет фотобиологического риска, Группа риска RG0 (EN62471). LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт 24 В блок питания не включен.
32 240 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on floor and walls, also for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for drive-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Except for CNC 100 C, which does not require a recess box. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Anodised aluminium body and AISI316L steel retaining ring. Heat polycarbonate diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471). ЧПУ 100 л / ЧПУ 100 2L / ЧПУ 100 вверхЗащелкиваются открываются и закрыты без винтов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Интегральный балласт 220-240V. ЧПУ 100 C L / CNC 100 C 2LВерсия в постоянном токе 700 мА. Должно использоваться только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт не включен. CNC 100 C-UPLED AC Direct. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). LED AC Direct.
26 570 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on floor and walls, also for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for drive-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Except for CNC 100 C, which does not require a recess box. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Anodised aluminium body and AISI316L steel retaining ring. Heat polycarbonate diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts. All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471). ЧПУ 100 л / ЧПУ 100 2L / ЧПУ 100 вверхЗащелкиваются открываются и закрыты без винтов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Интегральный балласт 220-240V. ЧПУ 100 C L / CNC 100 C 2LВерсия в постоянном токе 700 мА. Должно использоваться только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). Балласт не включен. CNC 100 C-UPLED AC Direct. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) или 2700K (2). LED AC Direct.
26 570 руб. за 1 шт
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Ideal for recessed ground application, both for drive-over and walk-over use Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and making driveways and pathways.Поддерживающее кольцо из нержавеющей стали AISI 316L, корпус из анодированного алюминия EN-6061 T6.Отпуненный стеклянный диффузор.0,5 м предварительно проводного типа кабеля H05RN-F, закрепленный с помощью никелированной латунной кабельной железы.Орехи из нержавеющей стали 316L.Продукт поставляется с водосточным устройством для защиты его от инфильтрации воды и влажности.600 мА постоянная тока версия: необходимо использовать только тип драйверов SELV или эквивалент. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3) и 2700K (2). Балласт не включен. Нет фотобиологического риска, Группа риска RG0 (EN62471).
57 020 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
От 15 550 руб. за 1 шт
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Suitable for installation on walls and ceilings and for outdoor use. Ideal for recessed ground application, also for walk-over use. Installation by means of a recess box supplied separately. Product designed for LED light sources for accent lighting and marking driveways and pathways. Body and retaining ring made of stainless steel AISI 316L. Heat tempered glass diffuser. Silicone gaskets. 1.5 m. pre-wired cable type HO5RN-F 2x0,75, secured by means of a nickel-plated brass cable gland. Dimmable version available. A4 or AISI 316L stainless steel nuts and bolts.All the wiring is supplied with a special sheathing protecting the spot from seepage of water and damp. The retaining spring adapts both to applications requiring the use of the recess box or for fittings directly on plasterboard ceilings. Version in constant tension 12/24V. Version in constant current 350mA/ 500mA: only drivers type SELV or equivalent must be used. All the wiring is supplied with a built-in electronic system that allows a non-polarised connection of the spot light. CNC 25 и CNC 35: Кроме того, электронное устройство предотвращает прерывание целых строк, соединенных вместе в случае неисправности только на одной из продуктов. LED 4000K (N), 3000K (3), 2700K (2) или синий. Балласт не включен. Нет риска фотобиологического повреждения, RG0 Group (EN62471).
15 550 руб. за 1 шт
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