Количество ламп - 9; Высота - 1330;Диаметр - 1250;
Following in the footsteps of Taif, a design icon, Baikal revisits some of its distinctive elements (the crystal pendants, the twisted pastorals and the long lamp holders), on a more tapered body. When in gold color, the lamp holders and the internal fixture are gilded and the gold crumbled into the glass enriches the effect. With all other colors, the metals are chromed. Chandeliers are available with 6, 9, 12 or 18 arms, plus a wall sconce with 2 lights.
Люстра Baikal от Barovier&Toso - это уникальное сочетание классического дизайна и современных технологий. Созданная вручную мастерами в Италии, она великолепно смотрится в любом интерьере, добавляя ему изысканности и роскоши. Каждый элемент люстры Baikal пропитан тонким искусством ручной работы, от плавных линий стекла до изысканных деталей каркаса. Она создает уютную и приятную атмосферу в любом помещении и станет настоящим украшением вашего дома.
Количество ламп - 2; Высота - 420;Ширина - 445;Глубина - 245; Following in the footsteps of Taif, a design icon, Baikal revisits some of its distinctive elements (the crystal pendants, the twisted pastorals and the long lamp holders), on a more tapered body. When in gold color, the lamp holders and the internal fixture are gilded and the gold crumbled into the glass enriches the effect. With all other colors, the metals are chromed. Chandeliers are available with 6, 9, 12 or 18 arms, plus a wall sconce with 2 lights.
Количество ламп - 6; Высота - 1000;Диаметр - 965; Following in the footsteps of Taif, a design icon, Baikal revisits some of its distinctive elements (the crystal pendants, the twisted pastorals and the long lamp holders), on a more tapered body. When in gold color, the lamp holders and the internal fixture are gilded and the gold crumbled into the glass enriches the effect. With all other colors, the metals are chromed. Chandeliers are available with 6, 9, 12 or 18 arms, plus a wall sconce with 2 lights.
Количество ламп - 12; Высота - 1500;Диаметр - 1370; Following in the footsteps of Taif, a design icon, Baikal revisits some of its distinctive elements (the crystal pendants, the twisted pastorals and the long lamp holders), on a more tapered body. When in gold color, the lamp holders and the internal fixture are gilded and the gold crumbled into the glass enriches the effect. With all other colors, the metals are chromed. Chandeliers are available with 6, 9, 12 or 18 arms, plus a wall sconce with 2 lights.
Количество ламп - 18; Высота - 1850;Диаметр - 1750; Following in the footsteps of Taif, a design icon, Baikal revisits some of its distinctive elements (the crystal pendants, the twisted pastorals and the long lamp holders), on a more tapered body. When in gold color, the lamp holders and the internal fixture are gilded and the gold crumbled into the glass enriches the effect. With all other colors, the metals are chromed. Chandeliers are available with 6, 9, 12 or 18 arms, plus a wall sconce with 2 lights.